


The Havoc Yaotl configuration language is a configuration file that contains everything that the teamserver needs to run. Yaotl is a fork of the popular configuration language HCL.


A small introduction to the Yaotl language syntax.

Yaotl Block:

Block-Name {
    // content here

Yaotl Block with label:

Block-Name "label" {
    // content here

Yaotl string:

example = "string here"

Yaotl integer:

example = 1234

Yaotl float:

example = 13.23

Yaotl arrays:

array-string = [

array-int = [

Example block with different types and values:

my-block "test-label" {
    val-int = 1234
    val-str = "hello world"

    sub-block {

        array-str = [
            "i like cats",
            "and dogs"


    array-int = [

The Teamserver block

The Teamserver block holds the necessary information to bind the teamserver on a host and port where it is going to listen and accept client connections.

HoststringThe specified address is going to be used to bind to.
PortintegerThe specified port is going to be used to bind to.

Both Host and Port are required to be specified. Those values are going to be used to listen to and accept incoming client connections. Example:

Teamserver {
	Host = ""
	Port = 40056

The Teamserver block also has a sub block called Build where you can specify the compiler to use for compiling C and assembly files. If this block is not specified then the teamserver is going to search and use the Available mingw cross compiler (x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc and i686-w64-mingw32-gcc). If the teamserver doesn't find the mingw/nasm compiler on the system and from the profile then it's going to exit.

Compiler64stringWhat compiler to use to compile the C source code into an x64 binary
Compiler86stringWhat compiler to use to compile the C source code into an x86 binary (currently not used. reserved for future use)
NasmstringWhat compiler to use to compile the Assembly code into an x64/x86 binary


Teamserver {
	Host = ""
	Port = 40056

	Build {
		Compiler64 = "/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc"
		Compiler86 = "/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc"
		Nasm 	   = "/usr/bin/nasm"

The Operators block

The Operators block specifies the users that are going to be allowed to connect and interact with the teamserver. To add a new user you only need to specify the username and password. Example User Block:

user "MyUsername" {
	password = "MyPassword" 

Example Operator Block:

Operators {
	user "5pider" {
		Password = "password1234"

	user "Neo" {
		Password = "password1234"

The Listeners block

The Listeners block allows the operator to start a listener without doing it manually in the client interface.

This block has the following sub-blocks Http and Smb that allows starting a listener with the desired protocol.


The Http block allows configuring and starting an HTTP/HTTPS listener. The following fields can be configured.

Namestringlistener nametrue
KillDatestringDate in which the Demon will terminate itself in UTCfalse
WorkingHoursstringduring this working hour the agent is gonna activly request for new commands and execute themtrue
Hostsstring arraytakes an array of hosts/ip strings. Those values can be formated as following: host:port (example: host.com:443) to set the host and port to connect to or simply host (example: host.com) to connect to. If only the host has been specified then the binded port is going to be used. If no hosts where specified then the binded host and port is going be used. Interface names such as tun0 can also be used.false
HostBindstringWhere the listener should to bind on. It accepts interface names.true
HostRotationstringHost rotation technique to use.true
PortBindintegerWhat port the listener should bind totrue
PortConnintegerWhat port the agent should connect to. If not specified the one from the Hosts field is gonna be used.false
HostRotationstringHost rotation technique to use.true
UserAgentstringWhat user agent can/should be usedtrue
Headersstring arrayWhat headers can/should be used. if nothing is provided then the listener is going to use Content-type: */*. Or else the agent wont be able to callback.false
Urisstring arrayWhat uri's to use. if nothing provided then the listener is going to use /.false
Secureboolif SSL (HTTPs) should be used or nottrue
CertblockCertification files for HTTPs. If not specified the teamserver is going to generate a random cert/key files to usefalse
ProxyblockProxy configuration for HTTP/HTTPs requestsfalse
ResponseblockHow should the listener responde to the agent requestfalse


Available options for the HostRotation field:

randomrandomly select a hostname from the list
round-robinloop through the list of host names in the order they are provided


Available fields/values for the Cert block:

CertstringPath to the Cert filetrue
KeystringPath to the Cert Key filetrue


Available fields/values for the Proxy block:

HoststringTells the agent where the proxy livestrue
PortintegerTells the agent where the proxy livestrue
UsernamestringUsername for the proxy connectionfalse
PasswordstringPassword for the proxy connectionfalse


Available fields/values for the Response block:

Headersstringuse the specified headers to respond to every request.false


Example Http/s listener configuration:

Listeners {
    Http {
        Name         = "Agent Listener - HTTP/s"
        #KillDate     = "2006-01-02 15:04:05" 
        #WorkingHours = "8:00-17:00"
        Hosts        = [
        HostBind     = ""
        PortBind     = 443
        PortConn     = 443
        HostRotation = "round-robin"
        Secure       = true
        UserAgent    = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.110 Safari/537.36"

        Uris = [

        Headers = [
            "Content-type: text/plain",
            "X-Havoc: true",
            "X-Havoc-Agent: Demon",

        Response {
            Headers = [
                "Content-type: text/plain",
                "X-IsHavocFramework: true",

The Demon block

The Demon block specifies the default behavior of the havoc demon agent.

SleepintegerAgent sleep delayfalse
JitterintegerAgent jitter percentagefalse
TrustXForwardedForbooleantrust X-Forwarded-For headerfalse
InjectionblockSpawn & Injection blockfalse
BinaryblockBinary modificationsfalse


Available fields/values for the Injection block:

Spawn64stringx64 injection target for post exploitation modulesfalse
Spawn86stringx86 injection target for post exploitation modulesfalse


Demon {
    Sleep = 2
    Jitter = 50
    TrustXForwardedFor = false

    Injection {
        Spawn64 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\Werfault.exe"
        Spawn32 = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\Werfault.exe"

Available fields/values for the Binary block:

ReplaceStrings-x64string mapString to match and replace for x64 payloadsfalse
ReplaceStrings-x86string mapString to match and replace for x86 payloadsfalse


Demon {
    Sleep = 2
    Jitter = 50
    TrustXForwardedFor = false

    Binary {
        ReplaceStrings-x64 = {
            "demon.x64.dll": "",
            "This program cannot be run in DOS mode.": "",

        ReplaceStrings-x86 = {
            "demon.x86.dll": "",
            "This program cannot be run in DOS mode.": "",

The Service block

The Service block lets you configure the service API endpoint and password.

EndpointstringWhere the service api should be exposedfalse
PasswordstringWhat password to use for the service api authenticationfalse

The Webhook block

The Webhook block allows you to set where to send and log the initialized agent metadata.

DiscordblockDiscord webhook blockfalse


Available fields/values for the Discord block:

UrlstringWebhook Urltrue
AvatarUrlstringAvatar Url to usefalse
UserstringUsername to use for webhook botfalse

On this page

  • Profiles
  • Syntax
  • The Teamserver block
  • The Operators block
  • The Listeners block
  • The Demon block
  • The Service block
  • The Webhook block